
Ten Statistics That Should Be Researched: Number 6 Number of support networks available

When you think about a person who would benefit from a support network, you perhaps think of someone with a terrible disease looking for others who have to live with it too, someone who has had an unfortunate past through no fault of their own, or someone who is in an unbearably difficult situation with no way to get out of it.

What about when you think about a support network that would help someone with a particular job. Immediately, I personally think of those that may have seen terrible things in their line of work, perhaps those involved in crime or war. You wouldn’t really think of teaching.

Schools are not supposed to be places psychologically similar to the front line or a murder scene: they are places of growth and study and learning. Why would someone in that situation need a support network?

Yet they exist, and they are large operations, and at first you might think that they primarily deal with stressed teachers having to deal with poor behaviour on a daily basis. Kids are kids, and stress because of behaviour is an occupational hazard.

But it’s not all about that. More than likely teaching support networks are dealing with teachers under poor working conditions, with too much paperwork, and too much criticism. Why treat our teachers so badly that they need professional help and support to get through it?

It is obviously a big enough problem to warrant profession specific help organisations. Do any similar career paths have this? I doubt it.

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