
Ten Statistics That Should Be Researched: Number 8 Number Of Investigative Reports

There are a number of professional and government reports already that detail why teachers leave the profession. Do any other career paths have reports commissioned like this? At such a high level?

There are other reports relating to the negative side of teaching too, including the health and stress levels of teachers, how to reduce workloads (indicating that it is already accepted that it is too high) and the bullying of staff by pupils.

Also on the rise in schools are the undercover filming and documentary making type of report, that usually detail pupil behaviour and how this is managed. Certain high profile cases have involved teachers who do this being disciplined, fired and having restrictions placed on whether they are allowed to teach.

Just a head count of the amount of this going on as compared to other careers has got to show that things aren’t right. Recent changes such as the addition of PPA time and getting support staff to do bulk photocopying are the result of investigative reports on workload. Is it enough? Is anything being done to tackle the other problems?

How many more reports are currently being researched and written? How many will be commissioned in the future, and how does this relate to other careers? If teachers could decide what the government and other professional bodies actually researched, what would it be?

What does the increased number of investigative reports in this career sector mean? That things are fundamentally wrong at a whole country policy level, and officials realise this, and know that it has to change, but don’t know how to change it for the better.

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